
Wishing Well







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Jhudora's Cloud
Illusen's Glade
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Witch's Tower
Brain Tree


name: Carrie Elizabeth McDowell
nickname: Care-Bear and Monkey Queen, but neither are really used.
born: Feb. 8, 1981
get up: Ugh, 7:30, but later when I can.
sex: female
kids: None yet.
haircolor: Blondish.
piercings/tattoos: Yup. Just two holes in each ear.
eyecolor: Blue Green
job/studies rating: Very very much
place of birth: USA, Houston, Texas
residence: USA, San Marcos, Texas
favorite food: Bacon. I know.
Have you ever been to a cool place (ex. Africa)? Nope.
Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes
Have you ever been in a car accident? yes
Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
favorite weekday: Friday
favorite saying or phrase: I am evil homer (cha cha cha).
favorite drink: Buttery nipples or good margaritas (we're all over 21 here, right? =))
favorite sport to watch: Hmm, none really. Hocky?
favorite sport to do: I'm a lazy lardass, but hocky is cool.
In what kind of store do you always spend way too much money? Best Buy
What do you do most when you are bored? Waste tons of time online.
go to bed: 10ish usually.
pets: 4
favorite music: Pretty much all. Classic rock though.
favorite TV-show: Simpsons. Survivor.
favorite movie: Don't really have one.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Texas!
Where can we reach you (msn, aol, e-mail)?
other accounts: monkey__queen (stdcem13 is my friends I'm taking care of).
other comments:

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